10 October 2012

Pitstop Cafe 棋坊餐厅

went to Kuchai Lama
there are many shoplots
but don't know which shop should be chosen for my lunch

at last
i chose this:
Pitstop Cafe 棋坊餐厅

when i first saw the board of the restaurant
i thought it was a korean restaurant
in fact, i was wrong

it is a restaurant/cafe
that serves western and chinese cuisine 
and there are many kinds of board games for you to play

(photo taken from the web)

lemon soda drink
the glass is so thin and tall
a little bit hard to drink it

i myself not like this drink very much
due to the soda taste

asam fish set lunch

dah lang !~
my set lunch: 3 dishes with a plate of rice
the taste of fish is pretty good
but it seems like fish & chips
just added with the asam sauce  

included in the set
i can have 1 scope of ice-cream
choose the flavor myself~

the address:

No. 13&15,
Jalan Kuchai Maju 8,
Kuchai Entrepreneur Park,
58200 Kuala Lumpur,

For other branches 
please click here:

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