27 December 2008

got business finally...

today morning...anson n jacqeuline came fetch me quite late..
coz anson waked up late..haha....
lunch time...workers from factory came n buy things...
finally we have business ady...
then i went to the cafe at the corner der...
i ate mix rice n it cost RM3.oo..
quite ok la actually...
at least it can save some of my money...

at afternoon..jacqueline's auntie from kl came..
she n jacqueline's mum oso bought some things from us...
they bought about RM 200++

at nite...got a weird guy came in n said want to find boss...
he claimed tat he juz free from jail n wanna get some money to live from boss..
then anson told him tat boss is not around then d guy left lo..
anson said such guys can be seen at any wer...
they always said they juz free from jail...but everyday we can c them at other different places...
dun said tat they under arrested everyday..
the police so free ah..

the boss--wendy auntie oso came...
she bought some bra for herself..
n panties for her child too...

total up...today is d best sale so far..
coz few days ago nobody came oso..

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